Sep 21 – 23, 2022
University of Warsaw Library
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Monitoring 39Ar Background for DarkSide-20k with DArT in ArDM

Sep 23, 2022, 9:15 AM
316A (University of Warsaw Library)


University of Warsaw Library

ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa‎
Presentation Detector techniques (HV, purification, cryogenics, calibration etc.) Detector techniques


Devidutta Gahan (University of Cagliari, Italy)


The current landscape for the hunt of particle Dark Matter (DM) requires us to achieve state of the art ability to mitigate and account for the various backgrounds. DarkSide-20k, a 20-tonn scale double phase TPC, will commission its voyage for the DM with an exclusion sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interaction of $6.3 \times 10^{-48}$ cm$^2$ (90% C.L.) @ 1 TeV/c$^2$ with a 200 t $\times$ year exposure. Thorough material assays campaign is being carried out to report and avoid various instrumental background, leaving aside the background contribution of $^{39}$Ar from the total mass of LAr inside the TPC itself. With purpose of solving this, the project DArT in ArDM is almost ready for commissioning at LSC, Spain with a sensitivity to measure UAr depletion factor exceeding 1000 with statistical accuracy better than 10% in one week of counting time. At present, the primary detector is taking data in a test setup.

Primary author

Devidutta Gahan (University of Cagliari, Italy)

Presentation materials