Mar 4 – 6, 2022
Europe/Warsaw timezone

5th Meeting of young astronomers at CAMK PAN will be held remotely via ZOOM.

Warsaw, Poland time (GMT+1).

The goal of the meeting is to familiarize students interested in astronomy with doctoral studies and summer practices opportunities held at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK PAN). We invite you to apply for astronomy and astrophysics PhD studies in current recruitment (till March 14th, 2022). This meeting also provides an opportunity for students to present their conducted research in front of a larger audience.


In case of any questions or problems, please contact us:


Program of the event

Go to "Scientific Programme" ( or download it in .pdf format at the bottom of the page from the attached materials.



Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences is a leading astronomical institute in Poland. It was established in 1978.
The main subjects of research include:

  • stellar astrophysics
  • binary systems
  • cosmic distance scale
  • circumstellar matter
  • dense matter and neutron stars
  • black holes
  • accretion processes
  • structure and evolution of active galaxies
  • jets
  • cosmology
  • extrasolar planets

Astronomers from the Copernicus Center are involved in a number of major international observational projects such as H.E.S.S., CTA (observations of ultra high energy photons (TeV) via detection of Cherenkov radiation), Herschel (satellite observations in IR domain), SALT (Southern African Large Telescope), INTEGRAL, Fermi (satellite observations of gamma rays), LIGO-VIRGO (detection of gravitational waves). Project SOLARIS, search for extrasollar planetary systems, financed in part by European Research Council (Starting Independent Researcher Grant) is carried at the Copernicus Center.

Presentation instructions for participants of the 5th Meeting of young astronomers at CAMK PAN:

  • language - English
  • time - 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions