Sep 21 – 23, 2022
University of Warsaw Library
Europe/Warsaw timezone

DAPHNE digitizing system for DUNE SP-PD

Sep 22, 2022, 3:30 PM
316A (University of Warsaw Library)


University of Warsaw Library

ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa‎
Poster Light/charge readout (PMT, SiPM, WLS, electronics etc.) Poster session


Mr Carlos Benitez Montiel (IFIC)


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be an experiment in
neutrino physics and proton decay studies. DUNE will consist of two parts, The
Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, located at the Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, and the Far Detector at Sanford Underground Research Facility, the latter
consists of liquid argon tanks used as scintillators for neutrino detection. The PD
consortia are using SiPMs sensors for photon detection and those analog signals are
amplified and digitized by a system named DAPHNE. The DAQ system we have
designed is capable of digitizing 40 channels of signals coming from the silicon
sensors, sending data at high speed via Gigabit Ethernet or fiber optics using the
FullMode protocol to the receiving DAQ systems. This card works as an interface
between the analog signals, part of the cold electronics, and the digital signals, part of
the warm electronics.
DAPHNE system is under development and testing by a group of Latin American
institutions and Fermilab. Other works running in the collaboration are the SiPM
signal amplification system, timing interface, and DAQ for system validation.

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