Sep 6 – 7, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Gravitational wave observations have opened the new field in astronomy.

The goal of the meeting is to discuss the challenges that these observations bring.

In particular we wish to address the questions related to the existing observations, like the models of origin of compact object binaries. How compatible are they with observations. What are the predictions and what observations will be incompatible with them? Do we see a single origin population of sources or s there a need for many formation channels?

In addition we would like to discuss the challenges that the current observations impose on theoretical calculations like the numerical relativity and modeling of sources as well as science potential with comparison of these simulations with observations.

We plan to have several invited talks summarizing these challenges and also leave space for contributed presentation and include plenty of time for discussion.

We want to stimulate discussions on science with future observations, in preparation for the publication of the 03 results.

The current list of invited speakers includes Krzysztof  Belczynski, Tsvi Piran, Miroslaw Giersz, , Marica Branchesi, Sathaprakash Bangalore, Andreas Bauswein, Chris Berry, Nelson Christensen, Abbas Askar, and Archisman Gosh.

The venue is the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. The registration fee will be 200PLN, to be paid by cash at the registration desk, and will include the coffee breaks and lunches.


Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Tomasz Bulik
  • Dorota Rosińska
  • Sathyaprakash Bangalore
  • Dan Holz
  • Richard O’Shaughnessy

The meeting will follow the Ligo -Virgo Collaboration meeting in Warsaw.

The meeting is organized jointly by Astrocent, CAMK, and the Astronomical Observatory and Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw.



Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw Pasteura 5