Jun 23 – 25, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The 2nd Conference of Young Researchers at CAMK PAN will be held remotely on 23-25 June 2019 via Zoom. The meeting is organized by the PhD Students of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The goal of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for students to present their conducted research in front of a larger audience. The talks will cover a broad range of topics from astronomy and astrophysics such as:

  • Neutron stars
  • Gravitational waves
  • Galactic dynamics
  • Evolved binaries
  • Stellar pulsations
  • Cosmic distance scale
  • Accretion discs and their environments
  • X-Ray properties of stars and galaxies
  • Jets
  • Cosmology

Though a majority of speakers are students from CAMK PAN, we would also like to invite the participation of PhD students from other universities and institutes. There is a limited number of slots available.

Connection details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 0881 0309
Password: 701149
