20–22 Feb 2025
Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Prospects of testing dark matter with gravitational lensing and gravitational waves.

21 Feb 2025, 12:00
room 1.01 (Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology)

room 1.01

Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology

Regular plenary talk Gravitational Waves Gravitational Waves


Marek Biesiada (Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych)


Gravitational lensing and gravitational waves - new opportunities to test dark matter

We entered the era when the opening of gravitational wave (GW) window on the universe combined with ongoing (ZTF) and forthcoming (LSST) big real time surveys creates a braekthrough in multi-messenger astrophysics. Most of the astrophysical messengers travel along null geodesics and may undergo strong gravitational lensing (SGL). SGL theory has now become a mature field with manifold applications already explored. In my talk I will discuss how such multi-messenger/multi-wavelength data, especially regarding SGL systems, could be used to constrain certain properties of dark matter like its viscosity or the nature of dark matter, e.g. fuzzy dark matter halos.

Primary author

Marek Biesiada (Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych)

Presentation materials