Feb 20 – 22, 2025
Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone



"PAiP-2025  Particle Astrophysics in Poland" is the 6th edition of a biennial conference of researchers working in Poland on a broad interdisciplinary field of theoretical and experimental particle astrophysics and related areas. The main goal of the meeting is to provide a comprehensive update on the recent progress in the field, and to facilitate fruitful discussions and exchange of views among participants.


PAiP-2025 will be hosted by AstroCeNT at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CAMK PAN) on 20-22 February 2025.


PAiP-2025 will be primarily an in-person conference but it is planned to also broadcast the talks via zoom (connection details to be added at the bottom of this page). However, there will be no option of active participation (e.g., giving talks or asking questions) remotely.


The main themes of the conference will be:

  • Cosmology & Fundamental Physics
  • Gamma-ray Astronomy
  • Multiwavelength Surveys & CMB
  • Gravitational Waves
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Dark Matter
  • Neutrino Astrophysics
  • Particle Acceleration
  • Astrophysical Sources


Important deadlines:

  • 15 January: deadline for abstract submission (decisions on the scientific programme will be announced by 31 January).
    Note: in order to submit an abstract, you will need an account on the CAMK PAN indico; register here.
  • 7 February - by 16:00 CET: end of registration and paying registration fee for on-site participation. Conference fee: 400 PLN (200 PLN for PhD students).
  • 18 February: end of registration and paying registration fee for remote participation. Conference fee: 50 PLN.


Scientific Programme Committee:

  • prof. Artur Ankowski (University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw)
  • prof. Dariusz Góra (INP PAN, Cracow)
  • prof. Katarzyna Małek (NCNR, Warsaw)
  • prof. Jacek Niemiec (INP PAN, Cracow)
  • prof. Dorota Rosińska (AO, University of Warsaw, Warsaw)
  • prof. Leszek Roszkowski (Astrocent NCAC PAS & NCNR, Warsaw) Chair
  • prof. Łukasz Stawarz (OA, Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
  • prof. Krzysztof Turzyński (University of Warsaw, Warsaw)


Local Organising Committee:

  • dr hab. Wojciech Hellwing, prof. CTP PAS (CTP PAS, Warsaw)
  • mgr. Yuliya Hoika (Astrocent NCAC PAS, Warsaw)
  • dr hab. Andrzej Hryczuk (NCNR, Warsaw)
  • dr hab. Marcin Kuźniak, prof. NCAC PAN (Astrocent NCAC PAS, Warsaw) Chair
  • dr hab. Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw, Warsaw)
  • dr Bogumiła Świeżewska (University of Warsaw, Warsaw)
  • dr Sebastian Trojanowski (NCNR, Warsaw)


Organisers: Astrocent NCAC PAS, University of Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Center for Theoretical Physics PAS


Short talks by PhD students

A special session will be organised to give PhD students an opportunity to present their work in a short talk (around 5 minutes).


Poster session

A poster session will be organised. Due to limited space, one will need to apply to have a poster accepted for display.


News about PAiP-2025 will also be put on social media profiles.


Conference fee payment information

Payments via credit card, PayPal and bank transfer are accepted. Click on the "Checkout" button at the bottom of your registration form to proceed.


For bank transfers, see the info below:


Bank Name: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Adress:         00-955 Warszawa, Al. Jerozolimskie 7

Account  Holder :   Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN
Adress Holder :      00-716 Warszawa, ul. Bartycka 18

IBAN :                    PL94 1130 1017 0020 1460 4720 0041

Currency:               *only PLN* (if not supported by your bank, use PayPal/credit card payment option instead)
Amount:                 {price - check the bottom of your registration form}
Description:           PAiP-2025, {first_name} {last_name}, {registration_id}


This project has received funding from the Teaming for Excellence project “Astrocent Plus - Particle Astrophysics Science and Technology Centre” funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101137080.



Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology
room 1.01
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