20–22 Feb 2025
Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Eccentric Inspiral-Merger-Ringdown Models for Binary Black Holes with Gauge-invariant Eccentricity

21 Feb 2025, 16:36
room 1.01 (Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology)

room 1.01

Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology

Short plenary talk (PhD students only) Gravitational Waves PhD short talks


Pratul Manna (Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw)


Residual eccentricity in gravitational waveforms can be a unique tool to identify binary systems formed in dynamical environments. In general relativity, eccentricity is not defined uniquely. Different waveform models rely on gauge-dependent definitions of eccentricity, which leads to incompatibility between them. We remove this ambiguity by employing a gauge-invariant eccentricity definition in our modelling approaches. We present an eccentric Inspiral-Merger-Ringdown (IMR) model for binary black holes, calibrated against a set of target IMR waveforms. The model is also validated against an independent waveform family resulting overlaps better than ~ 96.5% within the calibrated range of binary parameters.

Primary author

Pratul Manna (Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw)


Mr Chandra Kant Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) Mr Tamal RoyChowdhury (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee)

Presentation materials