20–22 Feb 2025
Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Particle acceleration in strongly magnetised mildly relativistic shocks

22 Feb 2025, 11:15
room 1.01 (Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology)

room 1.01

Rektorska 4, Warsaw University of Technology

Regular plenary talk Particle Acceleration Particle Acceleration


Gabriel Torralba Paz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)


Jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are known for their intense X-ray and gamma-ray emission, originating from non-thermal particles. These sources are also linked to high-energy neutrino events and are considered potential sites of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray production. Accelerated particles can be generated in shock waves formed in collisionless AGN plasmas. We report on our recent studies of oblique mildly relativistic strongly magnetised shock waves in electron-ion plasma by utilising large-scale Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations. We show that oblique magnetized mildly relativistic shocks can efficiently accelerate both ions and electrons to very high energies. We discuss the mechanisms of ion and electron energisation in different regimes of the shock obliquity.

Primary author

Gabriel Torralba Paz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)


Jacek Niemiec (Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN) Prof. Masahiro Hoshino (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials