23–25 Jun 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The origin of inequality. Isolated formation of 30 Msun and 10 Msun BH-BH merger.

Not scheduled




The LIGO/Virgo collaboration has reported the detection of GW190412, a black hole-black hole (BH-BH) merger with the most unequal masses to date: m1 = 24.4–34.7 Msun and m2 = 7.4–10.1 Msun, corresponding to a mass ratio of q = 0.21–0.41 (90% probability range). Additionally, GW190412’s effective spin was estimated to be χeff = 0.14–0.34, with the spin of the primary BH in the range aspin = 0.17–0.59. Based on this and prior detections, 10% of BH-BH mergers have q<0.4.
Major BH-BH formation channels (i.e., dynamics in dense stellar systems, classical isolated binary evolution, or chemically homogeneous evolution) tend to produce BH-BH mergers with comparable masses. Here we test whether the classical isolated binary evolution channel can produce mergers resembling GW190412.

Primary authors

Aleksandra Olejak (OA UW) Krzysztof Belczynski (Copernicus Center, Polish Academy of Sciences) D. E. Holz J. P. Lasota Tomasz Bulik (Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UW) M. C. Miller

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