Jun 12 – 14, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Henryka Netzel - Non-radial modes in classical Cepheids - what to look for in spectroscopy?

Jun 12, 2019, 5:00 PM
Main lecture room (CAMK PAN)

Main lecture room


ul. Bartycka 18 00-716 Warsaw


Recent photometric observations of classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars led to discoveries of additional signals, which are suggested to be due to excitation of non-radial modes with degrees 7, 8 and 9 (Cepheids) or 8 and 9 (RR Lyrae stars). These modes in photometric data have usually low amplitudes. This fact, combined with a high degree of these modes would make it very difficult to detect these signals in spectroscopic data. I present a survey of simulated spectra for first-overtone Cepheids to investigate what can we learn from spectroscopy about these mysterious modes.

Primary author

Ms Henryka Netzel (CAMK)

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