Jun 12 – 14, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone


The Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences is located at Bartycka 18.

The institute can be reached by buses 108 and 167 getting off at the Figowa stop.

Keep in mind that tickets cannot be bought from drivers. Tickets should be bought from the ticket machine, kiosk, or through a mobile app such as jakdojade.

In Warsaw discounted tickets are available for PhD students at the following prices:

  • 20-minute transfer ticket: PLN 1.70
  • 75-minute transfer ticket: PLN 2.20 (suitable for getting from the Central Station, Warszawa Centralna, to CAMK),
  • daily ticket: PLN 7.50
  • three-day ticket: PLN 18.00

More information on the ZTM website.

Do not hesitate to ask us for help if you need some! :)