Gravitational Waves
- Dorota Rosinska (Astronomical Observatory of University of Warsaw)
Gravitational Waves
- Dorota Rosinska (Astronomical Observatory of University of Warsaw)
The talk will summarise main observational results obtained by the current network of gravitational wave detectors, including the ongoing O4 run which started May 2023. First part of O4 - O4a - ended January 2024, providing 81 new high-confidence gravitational wave candidates. I will also discuss challenges and outlook related to searches for transient signals emitted by tight binaries...
The emerging field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy has already demonstrated its potential to explore the Dynamic Universe. We are just at the beginning of exploring the Universe with gravitational waves. While LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA regularly observes gravitational waves from compact binaries, we do not know what we may discover next. We may observe new source populations, multi-messenger events,...
I will describe the current status of the Einstein Telescope (ET) project and present the Polish participation. I will briefly discuss the highlights of the science case of ET. Finally I will summarize the future steps in the project.
The new German Centre for Astrophysics (DZA) to be founded in 2025 is a bold initiative to advance multi-messenger astrophysics including gravitational wave research. Central to the DZA's mission is the Einstein Telescope, a next-generation gravitational wave observatory that will transform our understanding of cosmic phenomena. Part of the DZA's work is the site investigation for the Einstein...
Over two years ago, we installed an array of microphones to monitor infrasound activity at Sos Enattos mine, located in northeastern Sardinia, one of the candidate sites for the Einstein Telescope, future 3rd generation gravitational waves detector. The setup includes two microphones at a surface station and six additional microphones placed within underground cavities at varying depths. This...
Over the past decade, gravitational wave observations have confirmed more than 80 binary black hole mergers, providing unprecedented insights into the demographics of stellar-mass black holes. These discoveries raise fundamental questions about the astrophysical origins and formation pathways of these enigmatic systems. In this talk, I will delve into the dynamical processes driving the...
Gravitational lensing and gravitational waves - new opportunities to test dark matter
We entered the era when the opening of gravitational wave (GW) window on the universe combined with ongoing (ZTF) and forthcoming (LSST) big real time surveys creates a braekthrough in multi-messenger astrophysics. Most of the astrophysical messengers travel along null geodesics and may undergo...
Although it is conjectured that a phase transition from hadronic to deconfined quark matter is possible in the ultrahigh density environment in Neutron Stars, the nature of such a transition is still unknown. Depending on whether there is a sharp or slow phase transition, one may expect a third family of stable compact stars or “twin stars” to appear, with the same mass but different radii...