Jun 12 – 14, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Arkadiusz Chimicz - National Space Situational Awareness Operation Centre setup and requirements

Jun 14, 2019, 9:20 AM
Main lecture room (CAMK PAN)

Main lecture room


ul. Bartycka 18 00-716 Warsaw


One of the aims of Polish Space Strategy is it set up and enhance capabilities of National Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Centre. The centre is planned to encompass three basic elements of SSA that is Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST), Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and Space Weather (SWE). Each of the element has it own specificities and there I am concentrating on the SST which is a priority.

The SST functionality is to gather measurements through radar, optical and laser observations of Earth surroundings through survey and tracking in order to process this information into actionable services aiming in general to mitigate unwanted and harmful actions in the space.

In the scope of the presentation the general functional structure of the Centre will be discussed and proposed. In particular the basic SST services such as conjunction assessment, re-entry analysis, fragmentation analysis and mission characterisation will be elaborated and the technical requirements presented.

Primary author

Arkadiusz Chimicz (CAMK / PAK)

Presentation materials

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