Jun 12 – 14, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Konrad Kobuszewski - Dynamics of quantized vortices in sipn-imbalanced Fermi superfluids.

Jun 14, 2019, 10:00 AM
Main lecture room (CAMK PAN)

Main lecture room


ul. Bartycka 18 00-716 Warsaw


Behaviour of interacting fermions at low temperutres is not fully understood despite over the six decades of theoretical and experimental studies in the systems like liquid He-3, heavy nuclei, neutron stars and more recently in cold atoms. In this regime all these systems undergo a superfluid phase transition which can be indicated by appearance of quantized vortices.
In my talk I would like to briefly describe crucial differences between bosonic and fermionic superfluidity to justify that the second case is far more demanding at the fundamental level, because a satisfactory description requires inclusion of many mechanisms for superfluid relaxation like various phonon processes or Cooper pair breaking. Moreover the spin-imbalnce introduces new complication, because implies coexistance of both superfluid and normal components even at zero temperature limit. I will show that time-dependent superfluid density functional theory (TDSLDA) in a natural manner incorporates all these necessary ingredients. I will also present some numerical simulations of quantized vortices within TDSLDA in the so-called unitary Fermi gas. In comparison to the spin-balanced case, a suprising feature of a vortex in the spin-polarized system will be revealed.
Finally I will discuss how my research can influence understanding of quantum turbulence and modeling of the neutron star crust.

Primary authors

Mr Konrad Kobuszewski (Warsaw University of Technology) Dr Gabriel Wlazłowski Dr Kazuyuki Sekizawa Prof. Piotr Magierski

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