The goal of this 2.5-day workshop "Relativistic fluids around compact objects" (REFCO25) is to review our current understanding of relativistic fluids in the environments of compact objects in the context of recent numerical advances, and to bring together specialists working on the diverse topics related to compact objects and relativistic fluid dynamics.
Jets launched from the central engines, in AGN, blazars and gamma ray bursts, provide important insight into the physics of black hole accretion, and help estimate the fundamental parameters of the black holes, such as their masses and spins. These effects are studied by advanced numerical simulations that use the method of general-relativistic magneto-hydro-dynamics (GRMHD).
Astrophysical black holes can be fully described by their mass and spin, and a spinning black hole seems to be required to produce ultra-relativistic jets. However, producing rapidly spinning ones is extremely difficult as the stars that produce them lose most of their angular momentum before the BH is formed. One possible solutions of the puzzle of black hole growth in close binaries is the highly super-Eddington mass transfer, studied by radiation hydrodynamics simulations.
The coalescence of compact objects is associated with kilonova explosions. Observables such as the formation of bi-polar outflows, and the multi-messenger emissions (neutrinos and gravitational waves) associated to the GRB progenitors can give quantitative constraints on the simulations. Incorporating kilonovae as a diagnostic tool to GRB models may help identify the nature of their central engines. Finally, thermonuclear explosions modelled in the context of accretion physics give important information about the properties of compact objects.
Participation in this workshop is free, no financial support is available.
Confirmed speakers:
- Yuta Asahina
- Yuri Cavecchi
- Toyouchi Daisuke
- Chris Fryer
- Bruno Giacomazzo
- Ore Gottlieb
- Jonathan Granot
- Fatemeh Kayanikhoo
- Nicole Lloyd-Ronning
- Mikhail Medvedev
- Hector Olivares
- Asaf Pe'er
- Oliver Porth
- Juri Poutanen
- Felix Ryde
- Sasha Tchekhovskoy
- central engines: black holes, neutron stars, binaries
- relativistic jets
- hyperaccretion
- supernovae, kilonovae
- thermonuclear explosions
- multi-messenger signals: radiation, gravitational waves
- registration and call for abstracts begin: March 7th
- registration and call for abstracts end: April 13th
- program announced: April 18th
- workshop begins: May 5th
Main lecture room of the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK), Polish Academy of Sciences, Bartycka 18, Warsaw, Poland.
Recommended accommodation options:
- B85 Suites:
- ibis Budget:
- ibis Styles:
- Reytan:
- MDM:
- Motel One:
- Sheraton:
Organizing Committee:
- Agnieszka Janiuk (scientific chair)
- Raj Kishor Joshi
- Włodek Kluźniak
- Krzysztof Nalewajko (local chair)
- Piotr Płonka
- Wen Xuan Sia
- Gerardo Urrutia
- Andrzej Zdziarski