2:00 PM
Dark matter search with liquid argon detectors
Marcin Kuźniak
(AstroCeNT / CAMK PAN)
2:05 PM
Development of the Most Sensitive Dark Matter Detector with Liquid Argon
Azam Zabihi
2:10 PM
Study on low energy events in liquid argon for dark matter searches
Clea Sunny
2:15 PM
Testing of Veto Photon detection units (vPDU) for the Darkside-20k experiment
Iftikhar Ahmad
(Astrocent, Poland)
2:20 PM
PyMerger: Detection of Binary Black Hole Mergers Using Deep Learning
Wathela Alhassan
2:25 PM
KM3NeT: UHE neutrinos & more
Piotr Kalaczyński
2:30 PM
Novel optical amplification structures for Dark Matter searches
André Cortez
2:35 PM
Quantum and Scientific Computing at CAMK
Piotr Gawron
2:40 PM
Quantum Computing @ CAMK
Tomasz Rybotycki
2:45 PM
Annual Report
Leszek Roszkowski
2:50 PM
Annual Report
Mateusz Pietrzak
2:55 PM
Annual Report
Michal Olszewski